Georgia Issues New Regulations for Household Kitchen Ovens and Hoods
Georgia Issues New Regulations for Household Kitchen Ovens and Hoods

Georgia Issues New Regulations for Household Kitchen Ovens and Hoods

This regulation establishes requirements for the labelling and provision of supplementary product information for domestic electric and gas ovens (including when incorporated into cookers) and for domestic electric range hoods, including when sold for non-domestic purposes.

This Regulation shall not apply to:

  • ovens that use energy sources other than electricity or gas;
  • ovens with a ‘microwave heating’ function;
  • small ovens;
  • portable ovens;
  • heat storage ovens;
  • ovens heated with steam as a primary heating function;
  • ovens designed for use only with gases of the ‘third family’ (propane and butane).
Labelling Requirements:
  • Each domestic oven placed on the market must have an energy label on the front or top of each cavity, or directly on the oven, in a way that it is clearly visible and identifiable.
  • Each domestic hood placed on the market must have an energy label on the front or top part of the product in a way that it is clearly visible.
Remote Selling Requirements:

For remote selling, suppliers must provide the following information:

For domestic ovens:

  • Supplier’s name or trademark;
  • Supplier’s model identifier;
  • The energy efficiency class of the cavity;
  • Energy consumption of each cycle for each cavity in standard mode and forced convection mode, if any;
  • Number of cavities, heating source(s) for each cavity, volume of each cavity.

For domestic hoods:

  • Supplier’s name or trademark;
  • Supplier’s model identifier;
  • The energy efficiency class;
  • Annual energy consumption (AEChood);
  • The Fluid Dynamic Efficiency class;
  • The Lighting Efficiency class;
  • The Grease Filtering Efficiency class;
  • The Noise Value of the hood at slowest and highest practical speeds during normal use, in dB.
Online Sales Requirements:

In case of online sales, the electronic label provided by the supplier must be placed on the display device next to the price of the product. For the oven, a label is provided for each cavity. The size of the sign must be clear and intelligible. The label can be displayed on the built-in screen, then the label should appear on the first mouse click, mouse movement or zooming of the image using the touch screen.

1.   Label for domestic ovens 

1.1.   Domestic electric ovens

1.1.1.   Label presentation — for each cavity of a domestic electric oven

1.1.2.   Label information — domestic electric ovens

The following information shall be included in the label:

  1. Supplier’s name or trademark;
  2. Supplier’s model identifier;
  3. Energy source of the domestic oven;
  4. The energy efficiency class of the cavity;
  5. Usable volume of the cavity in litres;
  6. Energy consumption per cycle expressed in kWh/cycle (electricity consumption) for the heating function(s) (conventional and if available the forced air convection) of the cavity. 

1.2.   Domestic gas ovens

1.2.1.   Label presentation — for each cavity of a domestic gas oven

1.2.2.   Label information

The following information shall be included in the label:

  1. Supplier’s name or trademark;
  2. Supplier’s model identifier;
  3. Energy source of the domestic oven;
  4. The energy efficiency class of the cavity;
  5. Usable volume of the cavity in litres;
  6. Energy consumption per cycle expressed in MJ/cycle and in kWh/cycle (gas consumption) for the heating function(s) (conventional and if available the forced air convection) of the cavity. 
2.   Label for domestic range hoods 

2.1.   Label formats

2.1.1.   Domestic range hoods in energy efficiency classes A to G (label 1)

2.1.2.  Domestic range hoods in energy efficiency classes A+ to F (label 2)

2.1.3.  Domestic range hoods in energy efficiency classes A++ to E (label 3)

2.1.4.  Domestic range hoods in energy efficiency classes A+++ to D (label 4)

2.2.   Label information — domestic range hoods

The following information shall be included in the label:

  1. Supplier’s name or trademark;
  2. Supplier’s model identifier;
  3. The energy efficiency class;
  4. Annual energy consumption (AEChood) in kWh;
  5. The Fluid Dynamic Efficiency class;
  6. The Lighting Efficiency class;
  7. The Grease Filtering Efficiency class;
  8. The Noise Value.

Labels for domestic ovens must be at least 85 mm wide and at least 170 mm high. Labels for domestic hoods must be at least 60 mm wide and at least 120 mm high. When the label is printed in a larger format, its content must remain proportional to the characteristics specified above.

The energy efficiency classes of domestic ovens shall be determined separately for each cavity in accordance with values as set out below: 

The energy efficiency classes of domestic range hoods shall be determined in accordance with values as set out below:

The fluid dynamic efficiency classes of a domestic range hood shall be determined in accordance with its Fluid Dynamic Efficiency (FDEhood) as follows:

The lighting efficiency classes of a domestic range hood shall be determined in accordance with its Lighting Efficiency (LEhood) as follows:

The grease filtering efficiency classes of a domestic range hood shall be determined in accordance with its Grease Filtering Efficiency (GFEhood) as follows:

The technical regulation comes into force on December 31, 2025.

The text of the technical regulation in Georgian you can find here.

The information has been prepared by the GMA Consult Group team.

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December 25, 2024

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